Twitter Revolution is a quick and easy read on a subject that many social media marketers hold near and dear written by Deborah Micek, a respected social media marketer and author of 'Secrets of Online Persuasion'. (Warren Whitlock is also named as an author but the voice heard throughout the book belongs overwhelmingly to @coachdeb.) I picked this one up in the hope that it would motivate me to finally jump on the Twitter bandwagon for myself after years of building and supervising accounts for my clients and also to confirm that I was on the right track with what I'd already been doing.
To be honest much of what this book covers can be chalked up to common sense but I did pick up a few useful pointers. I could have done without the hype in the opening chapters designed to convert Twitter skeptics (after all, if I fell into this category I probably would not have purchased the book, right?) but once I actually got to the 'meat' of the book it quickly became a worthwhile read. Of particular significance from a marketing standpoint was Part 3: Influence & Persuasion to position & brand yourself on Twitter & other social networks. In fact if you're already up and running on Twitter successfully I'd say Part 3 stands alone as a useful read.
I would definitely recommend this book for artists and managers who classify themselves as avid readers and those who enjoy keeping up with trends in marketing, but if you already understand the rules of fan relationship management then, as I said, a little common sense will go a long way on Twitter as it does elsewhere in social media.
Oh and in case you're wondering I HAVE jumped on the Twitter bandwagon. Follow me here.